Shine Christian Shine

Today, I am reminded of words spoken by Ganhdi, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians, for your Christians are so unlike Christ!”  To me this is sad commentary.  To be called a Christian, and not be Christ-like.  For to be associated with Christ is to me, an honor.  Why?  Because to be associated with Christ is to be associated with greatness, life in its truest form, victory in even the most  impossible of circumstances, favor when all else has vanished or removed itself from your life.  It means having the power and the anointing to make a difference, in other words, SHINE!

Darkness has an enemy.  It’s name is LIGHT!  Anyone in Christ is as a bright light shining in a dark place.  Shine Christian shine.  Just how do we do this shining?  First we identify the darkness that is in our lives.

Do we spend more time with the ungodly than we do those who are seeking and searching out the truth of God word and will for our lives?  Next do we waste valuable time following after things that only bring about temporary pleasure?  Do we hurt, maim, lie, cheat, steal and take the Lord’s name in vain?  Are we lazy and deceitful.  Are we stingy? Are we faithful to those we love and even to those who are difficult to love?  Are we forgiving, or do we hold grudges?  These are just a few of the many questions we can ask ourselves as it relates to darkness in our lives.  Darkness prevents us from moving forward with purpose and promise.  You see we all have assignments in this world.  We were born to walk in the light and show someone else how to do the same.  We all have been given at least one gift or talent that will cause us to shine.  It  will get us noticed because we do it so well.  It doesn’t matter who else might have that same gift or talent; there is only one like YOU!  Nobody can do what you do exactly the way you do it.

You can shine by answering your call regarding your purpose in life.  I have encountered many who say they do not know their purpose, but they can know.  It will take some work on their part, by moving away from the dark hinderances in their lives and pick up the bible.  It ‘s time to read God’s holy word.  It’s time to listen to some worship and praise music.  It’s time to change the way we think, thus it changes our heart and direction.  The light will lead you away from defeat and hopelessness.  It will encourage your heart and help you have confidence in who you are and whose life you can make a difference in.   You won’t have to do this transition alone.  The Spirit of God will help you.  All you need is to be willing.  Yes, it is time to shine; you can shine like never before.  Take just 30 minutes a day to spend time in prayer, and/or read some passages of scripture.  Listen to it on CD.  Change the channel on the tv and listen to some ministry broadcasts.  Change the radio station in your car to a gospel station.  Just 30 minutes a day for one month, practice any one or two of these suggestions.  It will make a difference in your life and you will begin to shine like never before.  Once more, I am convinced that you will want to shine even brighter so you will continue to practice this new way of thinking and doing.  If you name the name of Christ and call yourself a Christian then, Shine Christian Shine!


Are You A Trailblazer?



. For several years, after this award was approved by the Dean of our Faith Based Institute of Higher Learning, I thought about being the recipient.  I had always been referred to as a self starter, a branch walker, a person who would step out on twigs, one who finds a way to make things happen even when the odds are against what ever it is, and one who would tackle projects that the likelihood of its success seem near impossible.

So when this award was approved and sanctioned I looked forward to being a recipient, but that was not the case.  For several years I watched and even nominated very deserving individuals and they all walked away with a feeling that I could only imagine.  I was happy for everyone who received this prestigious award, but I would be lying if I said I did not want to receive it as well.

As time went on I began to wonder about my effectiveness in my call.  I knew within myself that I took my duties seriously and I worked tireless on the behalf of others.  Often I felt as if no one knew of the work and sacrifices that I was making to get the job done.  Sometimes I even wanted to quit, but something inside just wouldn’t let me give up on others or myself.  I kept going and kept looking for ways to improve the Institute.  And somewhere along the way, I forgot about becoming the recipient of that award that I had coveted for so long.  I came to a place in my life where I accepted that God was the one who knew all about me and my thoughts and activities, successes, and failures, and I was alright with that.

I lost myself in helping those who wanted more from life and who wanted more from their own experience.  I sought out trailblazers.  By definition, they are persons who blaze trails for others to follow; they are pathfinders, they are pioneers in a field or an endeavor.  I encountered many souls who wanted to achieve more than just an ordinary station in life, and I made it my business to help them in anyway that I could.  I educated myself and then I educated others.  I researched and sought out ways to improve and then taught others to do the same.  I used the mediums available to me to communicate to others, words of inspiration.  I searched out opportunities to offer others an open door to knowledge and work that would offer personal fulfillment.

Many nights I would come home exhausted but it was a good exhaustion.  I’d fall asleep and rest peacefully.  The next day I would walk the track again.  And then it happened.  I wasn’t looking for it, I didn’t expect it, and just like that, there it was “The Trailblazer Award”, it was presented to me before a packed auditorium, many of whom I knew personally and ofcourse  many of whom I did not know, but the joy and excitement that filled that room, I will never forget.  I was practically speechless.  I don’t have the words to describe that moment.  It was well worth the wait.

What did I learn from all of this?  There is a time and place for everything.  The good that you do does get noticed, and eventually, if you do not lose heart, if you keep working and don’t get weary, if you guard your attitude and stay the course, the reward will come.  This particular award speaks to blazing new trails for others to follow, that’s what I want to continue to do with my life.  What do you want to do with yours?  What ever it is, keep moving towards it and what is for you will come to you.  Don’t lose heart.  Trailblazer recognition or some other recognition, what ever has your name on it will eventually come to you, if you keep walking that path and doing what is required.  Even the holy scriptures teach that every man will be rewarded for his deeds, good or bad.  Keep focused, stay the course, and your reward will come.



BVT School of Ministry

Learn It, Live It, and Pass It On….learn what? … live what? … pass what on?  The Word of God!  Let us help you with your faith based initiatives.  From Associates Degree to Doctorate Degrees and Life Coach Certification; we can equip you to begin a life of faith and provide you with the tools to help others do the same.

2013 Flyer for BVT

Contact us for enrollment in 2013

Ain’t It Fine Today?

This question was asked by  poet Douglas Malloch so many years ago, long before your time or mine.  But that question is still relevant today.  Why?… because we live in a world that is full of trouble, Lord knows we’ve had our share.  Most all of us have reason to complain about one thing or another but does complaining change anything?  We have had rain and we have endured storms but still the sun come out after a while.  Some days the load we carry is heavy, some days the sky is gray, but hey ask yourself this one question…”ain’t if fine today?  Life is not always cruel, sometimes its kind.  While there is meaness embedded in the hearts of some, if we are honest we will admit that there is also compassion in the hearts of others that offset their unkind ways.  “Ain’t it fine today?” Some may say no, but if you reflect on where you have been and allow yourself to see with your spiritual eye where God has brought you from, you just might change your mind, and agree with me that it surely is “fine” today!


Where is your heart?  What do you want to do with your life?  Are you sitting still because it seems so impossible in light of today’s economy?  Do bills just seem to keep piling up and there seems no end in sight?  Well , a new approach to look at this  is that bills don’t ever stop, so they should hold very little weight when it comes to pursuing your dreams.  Next your heart holds the key to your success.  You already know deep inside you what you want to make of your life.  It’s time to bring it forth.  This economy can not hold you back, if you don’t let it.  What talent you are are sitting on, somebody some where needs what you bring to the table.  You have to perfect what you do and then go find them.  Who is “them”?  I am glad that you asked.  “Them” is your market!  Join a group of us this Saturday in West Chester, PA at Baldwin’s Book Barn.  Find out our more.


Your Reputation is Your Greatest Asset

Regard your name as a priceless jewel.  Do you not know that your reputation which is attached to your name arrives to any destination before you do?

Depending upon your chosen profession, stature, goals, or desire, countless studies have proven that who you are and what you stand for carry a great deal of weight when it comes to opening or closing doors.  People will either want to do business with you or be associated with you because of what they know about you or what they think they know about you.  Ultimately though, it is on you, your name your reputation that will either make or break your life’s goals.

So take care in what you say, where you hang out and with whom you associate.  Search your inner self and find out what you stand for and live it outwardly.  Be clear about who you are and what you stand for, even if you find yourself having to stand alone from time to time. Let your light shine and keep close watch on your name.  It’s your reputation, and it will either make you or break you.  Guard your greatest asset.  It will serve you well.


What exactly is passion? Webster’s Dictionary defines it as “any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling”… which can be associated with love or lust.  But I say real passion goes beyond “feeling” and emotion.  It is that driving force that would cause one to keep going inspite of heartache or pain.  It is an inward drive that will not be denied because of circumstances or disappointments.  It is a reason to live, to get up every day and face the world head-on.

In my experience I encounter many who seem to be passionless.  They talk a good game but their actions do not coincide. They claim to want more than life has offered them but still they sit back and watch their dreams and hopes march by as if they are a mere spectator at a parade.  They offer excuses and blame for their dashed hopes and unfulfilled lives.  So they let the “passion” ebb away.

Passion is the fire within that can cause one’s life to be all aglow on the outside.  It is the energy and force of one’s very being.  Everyone at sometime or another has felt passionate about something.  The key is that when it is noticeably in one’s consciousness, that individual should hold onto it and follow where it takes them.  It will help them to meet and overcome every challenge and obstacle that threatens its existence, taking the person to a truly mountaintop experience.  Today, my friend reconnect with your passion and then follow where it leads.  You will be the better for it.  It is time to find your P.L.C.

Have You Surrendered All?

Wisdom for the Journey

 Before the judgment seat of Christ my service will not be judged by how much I have done but by how much of me there is in it. No man gives at all until he has given all. No man gives anything acceptable to God until he has first given himself in love and sacrifice. A. W. Tozer (1897–1963)

Don’t be deceived into thinking that service alone is what pleases God.  He gave His all for you and He wants your all in return.  That includes your heart, your respect, and your obediance to the plan He has for your life.